venerdì, agosto 03, 2007

Student life

Ricordate le variazioni apportate dai miei studenti sul mio nome e cognome?
In questi giorni gli studenti che devono ripetere l'esame stanno consegnando i saggi estivi. I saggi, a dire la verita', sono pochini ma la fantasia su come distorcere i dati anagrafici del sottoscritto ha raggiunto livelli inimmaginabili. Oggi una studentessa mi ha chiamato Antone Bonotte!!

Sempre a proposito di vita universitaria, il mio college ha acquistato il suo principale competitore, il Portobello College, diventando in questo modo la piu' grande istituzione universitaria privata in Irlanda, con circa 8,500 studenti.
Qui qualche dettagli in piu'.

Quanto a me, mi hanno chiesto di tenere un ulteriore corso nel secondo semestre. Si tratta di 'Society, Individual and the State', un corso introduttivo alla filosofia politica per studenti del secondo anno di science sociali.

I think we're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
Out of mind, out of state
Trying to keep my head on straight
I think we're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
There's only one thing left to do
Drop all I have and go with You

Somewhere back there, I left my worries all behind
My problems fell out of the back of my mind
We're going and I'm never knowing
Never knowing where we're going
To go back to where I was would just be wrong
I'm pressing on

Pressing on
All my distress is going, going, gone
Pressing on, pressing on
And I won't sit back, and take this anymore
Cause I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door
And to go back where I was would just be wrong
I'm pressing on

I think we're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
Out of mind, out of state
Trying to keep my head on straight
I think we're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
Adversity, we get around it
Searched for joy, in You I found it

Somewhere back there, I left my worries all behind
My problems fell out of the back of my mind
We're going and I'm never knowing
Never knowing where we're going
To go back to where I was would just be wrong
I'm pressing on

You look down on me, but You don't look down on me at all
You smile and laugh, and I feel the love You have for me
Well, I think we're going somewhere
And we're onto something good here
We're gonna make it after all

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

Graande Angelo!